
Me, Trent Wiles

I'm Trent Wiles, a Computer Science & Criminal Justice student studying at Northeastern University. I program, cycle, and travel the world from time to time.

Boston, MA

New Haven, CT


> Languages

> Frameworks

> Databases

> Infrastructure


SitDownAndStudy (Github | Live Demo )

Practice programming with AI-generated, LeetCode-style questions and run your code online. Created with Anish Sahoo.

Trace TL;DR (Github | Live Demo)

Summarizes Northeastern's TRACE professor evaluations, using MongoDB and Google's Gemini AI.

NodeNews (Github)

Simple newsletter mailer with a user interface and a functioning admin panel. My first full scale project written in NodeJS.

Shore Line East API (Github | Live Demo)

Unofficial API for Shore Line East, Connecticut's shoreline commuter rail system. Developed by scraping data from their website.

BART API (Github | Live Demo )

I reworked the BART API, scraping train times and station information directly from their website. It it designed as an unofficial replacement for the current (broken) API.

Notion Automated Export (Github | Video Demo)

Simple CLI script to export a Notion page as static HTML and unzip the contents into a directory. Built by reverse engineering Notion's Internal API, as the official Notion API has no such option.

Legacy Projects

AP Calculus BC Final (Github | Live Demo )

Tool that compares Integrals to Riemann Sums and the Midpoint Rule. This is the final project for my AP Calculus BC class for my senior year of high school. (2023)

Flag (Github)

Upload and watch videos. A primitive YouTube clone. (2021)

1337git (Github)

Private Github frontend. (2023)

Dangerous User DB
(Github | Archived Demo)

Track reports of fraud on Discord accounts. (2020)